Thursday 5 March 2015

Connecting SAP BusinessObjects BI Tools to SAP HANA

Asking a non-technical user to use HANA Studio is not really pratical. You also would not want to put the modelling software in the hands of all your users.

That's why we need separate reporting tools which can connect to SAP HANA, take the data from modelling views and show in a nice, easy to understand format.

Currently there are number of tools/applications which can be used for reporting in SAP HANA. SAP suggests using frontends of the SAP Business Objects BI Suite. Recommended frontend tools include SAP Business Objects Crystal Reports, Analysis Office, Explorer and Lumira.

Reporting on SAP HANA can be done in most of SAP Business Objects BI Suite of applications, or in tools which can create and consume MDX queries and data.

Microsoft Excel can also be used for reporting on SAP HANA.

SAP HANA supports different connectifity options such as MDX, SQL, BICS, etc. Its provides JDBC and ODBC drivers which are standarized programming interface to access relational databases.


ODBC - Open Database Connectivity

JDBC - Java Database Connectivity

BICS - BI Consumer Services


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